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Jakarta is located on northern Java shore, Jakarta is the center for buainess and trade. Notable as biggest populated city in Indonesia and all over South East Asia. Besides becoming shopping city, Jakarta offers various tourist destinations, museum and cultural attractions, family recreation, entertaiment, different cuisine from all over the archipelago, and the famous Kepulauan Seribu Marine Park.

As an island constellation in north of Jakarta, Kepulauan Seribu, literally translated as a thousand of islands, offers splendid tourist destination with a collection of top spot for diving, snorkeling, fishing, yachting, and other marine activities. Kepulauan Seribu Marine Park consist of 110 islands: 68 small islands with sandy beaches, 54 different kinds of reefs, 20 tourist islands, 6 inhabited islands, and 6 private islands.

Ancol Taman Impian is tourist's favorite, a smart recreation center. New rides keep coming. Marine recreation on Jakarta shore is only accessible from Ancol bay. Ancol is gateway to cross other islands like Bidadari Island, Kahyangan Island, Onrust Island, and Kelor Island and experience a certain degree of time travel to witness what remains of Dutch colonial's VOC organization.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) , besides making its name as recreation center, TMII is where to go if tourists want to discover diverse Indonesian culture in one place. TMII exhibits every traditional clothes, goods, and houses in actual size.

Musem in Jakarta:
National Museum (Gajah Museum), marine life's Museum Bahari, shadow puppet's Museum Wayang, Jakarta historic Museum Sejarah Jakarta (Fatahilla Museum), craft and ceramic's Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik, Museum of Textile, Gedoeng Joeang 45, military's Museum TNI Satria Mandala, Museum Taman Prasati, Museum Bank Indonesia, Museum Kebangkitan Nasional, hostoric stamp's Museum Perangko Indonesia, and many more.

The National Monument (Monas), Monument of Ploklamator, Great Pancasila Monument (Lobang Buaya)

Shopping Center:
Tanah Abanag Market, Ancol Art Market, Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia, Pondok Indah Mall, Blok M, Kelapa Gading Mall, Taman Anggrek Mall, Central Park, Gandaria City, Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, Mangga Dua, and Glodok chinatown

Cengkareng Golf club, Jakarta Golf Guide and Courses, Matoa National Golf and Country Club, Pondok Indah Golf and Country Club, Jaya Ancol Golf Course.

Resource : Book Welcome to Indonesia-Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia


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