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Indonesia In General

About Indonesia

1. Archipelago

Indonesia is the biggest archipelago consists of 5 main islands : Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. Indonesia is divided into 34 provinces. The archipelago has 13,466 islands (2010) and 6,000 islands are inhabited.Indonesian archipelago lies 5,150 kilometers between Australia and Asia and separates 2 oceans: The Pacific and Indian Ocean. The name of Indonesia derives from Greek words: Indo means India and Nesos means island. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.

2. Population

Indonesia is listed as the 4th most crowded populated in the world. It consist of different ethnic groups spread across the island, like Chinese, Arabic, and Indian. The majority ethnic groups in Indonesia are Malay, Java, and Bugis. People of Indonesia is known as friendly nature people. Ex: Ubud in Bali is mentioned in Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report n one of the most friendly destinations for tourist.

3. Language and Dialect

Indonesia has a large dictionary consisting of 483 different traditional languages and dialects. That includes 350 different languages from different ethnic groups. Bahasa Indonesia is the national language. English is the most used foreign language in most part of Indonesia, while some parts prefer Arabic and Chinese.

4. Climate

Being located in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is a tropical country. There are 2 seasons in a year: dry season and rainy season. During rainy season, the temperature is between 21 degree celsius and 33 degree celsius, but higher areas might get even colder. Humidity is between 50-100 percent.
Generally Indonesia is separated and divided within 3 different zones of time and the division will be according as follow.

  • Indonesia Western Time (WIB) compries Sumatra, Java, and Kalimantan. (GMT+7 hours)
  • Indonesia Central Time (WITA) compries Bali, Sulawesi, and West Nusa Tenggara (GMT+8 hours)
  • Indonesia East Time (WIT) compries the East Nusa Tenggara, Island of Maluku,and Papua. (GMT+9 hours)

5. National Park

Indonesia's largest area is warm ocean that possesses rich and beautiful marine acosystem underneath. Raja Ampat, Wakatobi, and Bunaken are several names out of a long list of National Marine Parks that are spead throughout the archipelago. Sulawesi to eastern part of Indonesia, the long Wallacea line has connected 28,000 different floral species and several rare animals. More than 3,500 endangered animals like Sumatran and Kalimantan orangutan, giant komodo dragon, Javanese rhinoceros, as well as Sumatran tiger and elepant found their homes in forests. Diverse floral species from small orchid to gigantic Rafflesia Arnoldii.

6. Culinary

People from Indonesia eat rice as their staple food. But islands in eatern part of Indonesia prefer going with corn, sago, cassava, and sweet potato. Coconut is easily found everywhere and is used as cooking oil component or an ingredient in cooking.
Every province has more than one traditional cooking that differs from one another. However, several areas have their own unique tradition. Indonesia's notable foods are sate (grilled, skewered meat), gado-gado (boiled vegetables served with peanut sauce), nasi goreng (fried rice), soto (spiced chicken or meat soup), and different kinds of noodles.

Resource : Book Welcome to Indonesia-Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia


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